Safety Education
Providing of safety education to students and parents is key element at Guardian One Transport. The training provided to students must be developmentally appropriate and an integral part of program experiences. The need for an adult to accompany a kindergarten student while crossing the street must be emphasized in the communication / training provided to parents and students.
The safety training education is offered to the students and parents of schools where G1 provides transportation services, directly or through another contract.
G1 will ensure that the students using its services are provided with safety education on the following aspects, either directly or through the School Administration
- Safe riding practices
- Safety procedures for boarding and leaving the vehicle
- Safety procedures for crossing the street to and from the vehicle at stops
- Recognition of the danger zones around the vehicle
- Emergency evacuation procedures, including participating in an emergency evacuation drill conducted on the school bus.
The goal, objective and concepts of Safety Education provided by Guardian One Transport are as outlined in the statements below.
Safe Riding Practices
Goal: Children will demonstrate safe procedures and behaviors while riding on the school bus and other vehicles.
Objectives: Children will be able to
- Identify the need for safety rules.
- Recognize the importance of taking care of oneself.
- Demonstrate care and school bus safety rules and skills.
Concepts: “Think Safety” first.
- Find a seat
- Buckle-up!
- Feet in Front
- Use a quiet voice
Safety Procedures for Boarding and Leaving the School Bus
Goal: Children will consistently demonstrate safe procedures while boarding and exiting the school bus.
Objectives: Children will be able to
- Identify the importance of waiting away from the road with an adult.
- Recognize the importance of waiting a turn.
- Demonstrate safe boarding and de-boarding procedures on the bus.
Concepts: Safe riders have the responsibility to follow the safe boarding and exiting procedures on the school bus.
- Wait for my turn
- Wait for the “OK” to load signal
- Take one step at a time
- Hold onto the handrail
Safety Procedures In Crossing The Street To And From The Vehicle At Stops
Goal: Children will demonstrate safe street crossing procedures when approaching or leaving the bus.
Objectives: Children will be able to
- Identify the need for safe crossing rules.
- Recognize safe and unsafe conditions.
- Demonstrate how to cross following the safety rules by holding an adult’s hand.
Concepts: Safe riders have the responsibility to “Stop. Look, and Listen” for danger before crossing the street.
- Take 10 Giant Steps
- Stop! Look! Listen!
- Wait for the “OK” to cross signal (thumbs up)
- Cross with an adult
Recognition Of The Danger Zones Around The Vehicle
Goal: Children will avoid danger zones when approaching and leaving the bus.
Objectives: Children will be able to
- Identify the danger zones around the bus.
- Recognize the importance of staying out of the danger zones.
- Demonstrate maintaining a safe distance away from the sides, rear, and front of the bus and around the wheels.
Concepts: Safe riders will increase personal safety by identifying and avoiding the danger zones when boarding or exiting the bus and other vehicles
Bus Danger Zones
- In front of the bus
- At back of the bus
- On both sides of the bus
- Anywhere near the wheels
Emergency Evacuation Bus Drill
Goal: Children will identify exits and demonstrate safe emergency evacuation procedures and behaviors during a bus drill.
Concepts: Safe riders have the responsibility to listen to the bus driver’s directions in the event of an emergency evacuation.
- Listen to the driver
- Follow directions
- Walk quickly to the rear exit
- Exit through emergency door
- Move to safe zone
G1 Will Organize Safety Education To Parents In The Following Aspects:
- Emphasize the importance of escorting their children to the school bus stop and the importance of reinforcing the training provided to children regarding vehicle safety
- Complement the training provided to students so that safety practices can be reinforced at home by the parent.
- Evacuation drills
- Safe Best Practices
- Safe Travel Checklist
Further, the following activities will be conducted during each academic year as part of Safety Education at the School where Guardian One Transport operates:
- School Assembly on Safety Education
- Classroom Learning on Road Safety
- Buckle Up Campaign
- Safe Riding Practices
- Inter-School and Inter-House Competitions on Road Safety
- Display of student works
- Take The Pledge – No Phone while driving
- Think Safety Communication to parents / Guardian
- Emergency Evacuation Drills
- Anti-speeding campaign
- Smart Idea Campaign
- Safety Mascot