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Safe Travel Checklist

Safe Travel Checklist


The purpose of the Guardian One Safe Travel Checklist is to help the staff of G1, Schools Administration, staff, parents and other school bus companies improve school bus safety.

The checklist is primarily designed as a self-assessment tool. Because student transportation is complex, it is difficult, even for those involved on a day-to-day basis, to grasp every aspect of the current transportation system. Learning more about the School’s own operation with G1 is a key reason to conduct an assessment.

Because the checklist touches on so many different transportation areas, by far the most effective way to evaluate the current transportation arrangements is by convening a self-assessment team. At a minimum, an effective self-assessment team should include the representative of G1; School Administrator, School Transport Foreman, bus driver and bus attendant representatives; a member of Fleet Inspection and Training teams.

The checklist can also be utilized by a third-party consultant conducting an “external” safety review of a school’s transportation arrangements.


The checklist includes a broad spectrum of criteria for a model School Transport System. Because it is international in scope, the checklist may not reflect variations in individual Emirate and local safety requirements and regulations.

The staff conducting assessments must be aware of local Emirates requirements. In addition, those conducting assessments will have to determine which items are most applicable to local conditions. School bus operations reflect the diversity of their home communities.

It is our hopes that this comprehensive listing of model school bus safety practices will help the Schools of Guardian One Transport to make informed decisions about where school bus safety resources can be allocated to best effect.

Components of Safe Travel Checklist

The safe travel checklist is developed for checks to be carried out in 6 attributes as under:

  • Basic Details
  • Before the Trip
  • During onward Trip (To School)
  • After Reaching School Premises
  • During Return Trip (Drop off)
  • End of Trip
  • Activity & Field Trips
  • General Points

Basic Details

The following basic information should be made available with respective staff members in the school:

  • Bus list with parking details: The bus list with the details of the place of parking of buses should be available with Foreman of the School
  • Emergency Contact details: The contact details of drivers, conductors, team leader, foreman of the school , transport supervisor / Officer, and Risk Management Centre should be available with the Transport Supervisor and School Administration

Before the Trip

The following activities are required to be completed before commencement of the trip of a school bus:

  • Pre-trip Inspection: Pre-trip inspection of the vehicle should be carried out and recorded in the prescribed format. The driver should plan and be available accordingly before the trip.
  • Seating Plan: The seating plan should have been displayed inside the bus with the contact details of Team Leader and Foreman.
  • No Student on Board-Before the trip: The No Passenger Board should have been displayed before the commencement of the trip, only to be removed just before commencement of the trip
  • Attendance Register: The updated list of students from the ERP with contact details should be maintained in the register. Should be regularly updated signed by foreman / team leaders
  • GPS & Scanner: GPS and Scanner should be in good working condition
  • Video Surveillance System: CCTV fixed in the bus should be in good working condition
  • Seat Belts: All the seat belts should have been kept straight and should be ready to use
  • Mobile Phone: The mobile phone of the bus should have been charged and kept ready for use. The phone should be used by the bus attendant during the trip
  • Safety Equipment: All the safety equipment’s (fire extinguishers, first aid box, stop- arms & flashlights) should be in good working condition
  • Upkeep of Vehicles: The vehicle should have been neat and clean; properly cleaned before the trip
  • Bus Attendant: The bus attendants should be present well before the trip

During Onward Trip (Home to School)

The transportation staff should ensure that the following activities are performed during onward trip from the place of residence of the students to the School:

  • Commencement of Trip: The trip should commence at the scheduled time. The driver should remove the No Student on Board and ensure that the attendant logged in to the Smart Attendance System
  • Assigned Pickup Points: The vehicle should be stopped at the assigned pickup points only for student pick up. No deviation to be taken without the approval of the Transport Supervisor / Manager of G1 or Manager Administration of the School
  • Bus Attendant Receiving Students: Bus Attendant should get down from the bus help students, where required to board the School bus. They should greet the students and parents with a smile.
  • Wearing of seat belts: The attendants should ensure that the students wear seat belts during the trip
  • Electronic Attendance: The driver should scan the ID cards of the students which will help to capture the electronic attendance on real time basis.
  • Manual Attendance: The Bus Attendant should record the attendance in the register for every trip (should be done during the trip). Driver to ensure that the attendance is taken during the trip. Team Leaders and Transport Supervisor should check regularly and initial.
  • Student Discipline: Students should have not distracted the driver, not bothered other passengers, keep the floor clean enabling safe evacuation. Disciplinary issues if any, shall be reported to Grade Coordinator / Head of School on the next working day.

After Reaching School Premises (School to Home)

The following activities are to be performed after reaching school at end of the morning trip:

  • Getting off the School Bus: Students should be seated until the bus stops. As soon as they get down they should move away from the bus. The parking area should be sufficiently manned to manage the traffic and student movement.
  • Electronic Attendance: The driver should scan the ID cards of the students while they get down which will help to capture the electronic attendance on real time basis.
  • Headcount by Driver: Driver should have done head count after the trip and update the same in the log book
  • Bus Scan: The driver should have physically scanned the bus for any student left behind.
  • End of the trip, No Child on Board: After physical scan and ensuring no students are left inside, the driver should display the No Child Board at the rear end of the bus
  • Kindergarten Students Being Escorted: Kindergarten students should have been escorted to their respective classrooms by Bus Attendant

During Return Trip (School to Home)

The transport staff should perform the following activities during student drop off return trip:

  • Dispersal: Students should board the assigned bus without delay.
  • Escorting of Kindergarten Students: Kindergarten students should have been picked from their respective classes and escorted to their respective bus by the Attendant.
  • Before the Commencement of Trip: Should ensure students travelled in the morning trip are in the bus for the return trip
  • Commencement of Trip: The trip should commence at the scheduled time. The driver should remove the No Student on Board before starting the trip. Any delay in the trip should be informed to the Risk Management Centre for communication to the parents.
  • Wearing of Seatbelts: All the students should wear seat belts during the trip
  • Electronic Attendance: The attendant should scan the ID cards of the students which will help to capture the electronic attendance on real time basis.
  • Manual Attendance: The Bus Attendant should record the attendance in the register for every trip (should be done during the trip). Driver to ensure that the attendance is taken during the trip. OE/CCE should check regularly
  • Dropping off students: Bus Attendant should get down from the bus, where required, help students to get off from the bus; help them to cross road.
  • Handing over students: Bus Attendant should ensure that the students of Kindergarten & Primary are handed over to the parent themselves or authorized persons only.
  • Crossing the Road: Students after getting down should move 10 steps ahead of bus until they can see the driver’s face, wait for the signal from driver, when the road is clear cross quickly.
  • No Student on Board-End of the trip: After the last student is dropped off the Bus Attendant should carry out physical bus scan to ensure that no child is left inside the bus. He should then display the No Student Board at the rear end of the bus. The driver should scan the bus route card.
  • Bus Scan – Return Trip: After reaching the parking area the driver should carry out physical scan of the bus, once again, for any student left behind unattended inside the bus and scan the Driver’s ID card.

General Points

The following general points should be followed during the entire trip of the school bus:

  • Availability of Bus Attendant: Bus Attendant should be available for all the trips. No bus should go on trip with students without a Bus Attendant. Bus Attendants should wear fluorescent jackets during the trips.
  • Bus Delay: If any bus delay is expected for more than 15 minutes during the return trip the driver should immediately inform the Risk Management Centre
  • Book Keeping: The driver should have maintained the records of trips and head counts in the logbook and the bus scan in the register.
  • Manual Attendance Confirmation: The team leaders should check the manual attendance on daily basis for their set of buses.
  • Emergency Management Procedure: All staff should be aware of the protocol to be followed during emergency situations and follow them meticulously during emergency situations
  • GPS/Scanners/Cameras Not Working: Drivers should inform the Foreman and the Transport Supervisor in case the GPS tracking device or cameras are not working. Should be rectified before the next trip.
  • Presence of School Administration and Supervisors at the Parking Area: The School Administrators, Transport Supervisor of G1 and foreman should be present at the parking area during the arrival and departure of buses. The other administrative staff should also be present and help students to wear the seat belts.
  • Transport Coordinator / Supervisor Addressing the Drivers / Bus Attendants: Once in a week all the drivers and attendants should be addressed by the HR / Admin Manager or Coordinator along with the Foreman. Talking points will be sent by General Manger of G1.
  • Students’ Drop off Any request for change in drop off point or wish to collect their ward from, school should be approved by the School Administration or HR Manager / Coordinator and inform the driver in writing.

The safe travel check is carried out by Transport Supervisor and other Administrative Staff of G1 in a planned schedule. The School Administration also can use this document and carry out Mystery Shopping Investigation and provide feedback to Guardian One Transport.