Welcome to Guardian One
Student safety is our priority. Safe Student Dispersal Program is a measure developed by G1 to ensure safety of all students, staff, families, and visitors to the school as they enter or depart from the parking lot.
One of the busiest times of the day at School Campus is the arrival and dismissal of students. The Safe Student Dispersal Practice is introduced by G1 to ensure a safe, speedy, and smart see-off of students. The School Administrators and Transport staff members monitor student safety and traffic flow during these times. We need the parents and staff to help us keep the students safe and traffic flowing smoothly. We want to stress the need for everyone to pay attention to our student safety patrol and crossing guards, as they direct student and vehicle traffic.
SSDP is not the responsibility of merely Bus Attendants and Transportation staff. It is hugely a collaborative effort of several agencies involved including the School Administration, Academic Staff, School Security Personnel, parents and other support staff.
The main objectives of Safe Student Dispersal Practice at G1 are as under:
The student strength and number of routes are only two components which needs to be considered while planning Safe Student Dispersal practice for a school. The Safety Student Dispersal Program at G1 consists of the following elements:
In our continuing effort to ensure the safety of everyone at G1, we ask Schools to review the parking lot safety rules and traffic flow pattern in this document. We request Schools to inform all parents who come to their schools to abide by these guidelines. The School parking lot is a partnership between all of us – G1, School Administration, Parents and staff. Working together for the safety of all our children is the main purpose of this initiative.
When administrators, teachers, students and transport staff practice proper school parking lot safety, it makes it easier to keep everyone safe. School parking lots can be incredibly busy places in the morning when children arrive and in the afternoon when it’s dismissal time. Ensuring that no one gets hurt is a primary concern of the school staff, but it requires everyone’s participation, including parents.
The School buses should be dropping the children at a designated drop off point where no other vehicles shall be allowed. All the own transport users and private vehicles drop off should be allocated in a separate place by the School.
The school should deploy their manpower to manage in both the places. These specific locations should not be left unmanned during student arrival time. Presence of Senior Administrator of the School is strongly recommended. The School bus drivers shall be deployed to help the security staff during peak hours.
The parents of Kindergarten and Primary students who are bringing children to school or picking them up, should park in the designated parking meant for them and accompany the children across the parking lot all the way to the sidewalk or back to your vehicle. The parents should park their vehicles in the designated parking area meant for them, double parking or parking in front of the schools are not permitted.
Escorting the children applies to students of all ages; there are no exceptions. Parents should NOT stop in the middle of the traffic flow to pick/drop their children. Children are to be escorted by adults at all times.
All the Kindergarten students are picked up by bus attendants from the respective class rooms. The bus attendants show the placard with the route number while collecting the students from the respective class rooms. On the backside of the placard, the list of students who will be travelling in that particular route, arranged as per the class rooms shall be displayed. In this way, the bus attendant takes the attendance once, before leading their route students to the bus dispersal area. The children who use own transport or stay back for day care are supervised by teachers until they are collected by the parents or shifted to day-care facility. In this way, the double attendance works as a quick way to establish any anomaly.
Traffic monitors wear safety jackets and carry reminder signs and a whistle. The visitors and parents should be communicated to follow the directions of these individuals. Violations shall be reported at the monthly School Management meetings of the School. The staff, students and parents shall not socialize with traffic monitors while they are doing their job — they are helping us to keep everyone safe.
School Administration should ensure that adults are posted in the parking lot during drop-off and pick-up times. They are present to keep students safe. Parents need to be respectful towards the Traffic Monitors and comply with their directions. If not, the principal will have to take measures to assure the safety of students.
We at G1, have developed parking lot safety guidelines which is required to be observed for the safety of our children:
The following parking lot etiquettes may please be circulated to the staff, students and parents:
On school days, do not drive across the parking lot, even if it is fairly empty. There are children on the campus from 7:00 am until 4:00 pm and this includes the parking lot. Parking in the handicapped spaces is not for a “quick drop off” – they are for those with a handicapped placard only.
The School should provide dedicated parking for school buses, staff and parents. The staff parking should be kept away from student movements. The parents parking shall also be separate from school bus and staff parking. The school buses should be stopped or parked in the designated place only. The staff should use the designated parking area reserved for them.
If the parents prefer to park their car, they should park in designated parking spots only. The staff vehicles should not move in between the school bus movements. These areas are for their exclusive use. Do not park in these areas at any time.
The parents and visitors should be made to use the crosswalks and follow the directions of our crossing guards, as it is their duty to help keep the crosswalks safe. Walking between cars creates a highly dangerous environment for small children, hence it should not be allowed.
Speed bumps act as a further reminder to drive slowly and safely on school grounds at all times. Please educate staff, students and parents to pay attention to the colorful signs around the parking lot and school — they are a reminder of our safety motto, created by our children and the School Board.
All the visitors who are visiting the school will issue colored lanyard and pass for all the categories like staff, parents and visitors (vendors).
While recording handwritten names or even allowing visitors to manually enter their own identification information leads to unintended mistakes and opens the door to falsification. Hence the Schools can issue Parent / Guardian ID card the parents of existing students, whenever coming to school (including pick and drop off of your ward), the parents / guardian are requested to present your parent pass, scan and collect the gate pass from the Security gate. If the parents fail to bring the Parent ID card, they will be required to provide government-issued identification cards (like Emirates ID or a driver’s license) and can collect their Gate Pass.
All the other visitors including the vendors will follow the same procedure of providing government-issued identification cards and collecting their gate pass.
Video monitoring of common areas, passage and parking areas ensures protection for students and peace of mind for school administration and parents. From bullying to theft, incidences of inappropriate behavior between students decrease when the camera is installed. Dealing with the occasional disruptive student is not uncommon. Providing footage of student behavior helps School Administration to appropriately handle these situations and develop consequences, as needed.
Please join us in protecting the safety of all our children by carefully following the parking lot guidelines. Child’s safety and the safety of others is the highest priority for all of us.