Welcome to Guardian One

Quality Management System

Quality Management System

Guardian One Transport has developed a Management System which manages the processes and activities of the transport system so as to meet with the objectives, comply with regulatory requirements, fulfill parent’s service requirements and ensure adequate resources are provided to attain high levels of safety.

Purpose and Benefits

At G1, the management system is a means to:

  • Achieve business objectives
  • Increase understanding of current operations and the likely impact of change
  • Demonstrate compliance
  • Establish ‘Best Practices’
  • Introduce Technology and integrate with operations
  • Ensure consistency and achieve safety for all
  • Communicate knowledge
  • Change behavior

Integrated Management System

Traditionally, separate management systems were developed to address issues such as quality, environment, fleet operations, health and safety, finance, human resources and information technology. Other aspects of running a company which need to be managed include corporate social responsibility, data security, risk management and business continuity. These days, sustainability, reputation management and brand management are given equal prominence.

The way in which every aspect of the business activities are managed at G1, we call it ‘business management system’. The traditional approach has been to address individual aspects separately. At G1, we have moved towards ‘Integrating’ Management System (IMS), as we seek combined certification against more than one external standard, based on an external assessment of a single system description.

We have made efforts to combine the discrete systems and develop ‘Integrated management’ to manage our operations, staff and other resources. The Management System comprises of the elements of policy, planning, implementation and operation, performance assessment, improvement and management review.’

PDCA Model

G1 has adopted to one of the common management system model of plan-do-check-act at a higher level than just for issues such as environmental, quality and compliance. In summary, the elements are:

  • Plan: By defining clear objectives (our mission), defining our strategy to achieve the objectives, formulating the policies to which we will adhere, and identifying factors that can influence how we will operate.
  • Do: What we do and how do we do it (Organise, get work, do work) / what we need to manage to ensure that these core processes are efficient (structure, resources, people etc).
  • Check: Monitor and measure how we are performing against our plan. Deming preferred ‘study’ rather than ‘check’, since it implied a more considered review and assessment of the situation rather than mere reference to selected facts.

Management Principles

The Management System is based on eight management principles. These have been developed for use by the top management to lead the Company towards improved performance. G1 has developed a business culture based upon the following eight principles across the Company:

  • Customer Focused Organization
  • Leadership
  • Involvement of people
  • Process approach
  • System approach to management
  • Continual Improvement
  • Factual Approach to decision making
  • Mutually beneficial supplier relationships

What the System Might Look Like

The key components of Management System at Guardian One Transport include the following:

  • Policy
  • Planning
  • Implementation and operation
  • Performance assessment
  • Improvement
  • Continual Improvement
  • Management review

We have included ‘objectives’ as the first item in this list, since the other elements would otherwise lack a point of reference. Some key objectives of the management system is to achieve compliance, to encourage standardization and reduce variation and to help staff to understand what they have to do and how they fit into the company. It also provides a sound basis for managing change and making improvements.

Management System Document Types

ISO Management System standards require the Management System of an Organization to be documented. We at G1 understand that the extent of the management system documentation differs from one organization to another due to various factors like the size of the organization, type of activities, the complexity of processes and their interactions, the competence of personnel etc.

At G1, the management system documentation includes the following:

  • Management system policy and its objectives
  • Management system manual
  • Documented procedures
  • Work instructions
  • Forms
  • Management system plans
  • Specifications
  • External documents
  • Records

Management System Policy

The Management System Policy is the general statement of our beliefs about operations, quality, environment and occupational health & safety of our management system. The objectives established, the actions taken and what is the expected result are mentioned in the Management System Policy.

Management System Manual

The Management System manual should include the scope of the management system, the details of and justification for any exclusion, the documented procedures or reference to them, and a description of the processes of the management system and their interactions. Information about Guardian One Transport, our location and means of communication, are included in the management system manual.


A procedure is a document that describes in general terms the way to carry out an activity or a process. The structure and format of the documented procedures (hard copy or electronic media) is defined by Guardian One Transport in ways of text, flow charts, tables, a combination of them, or any other suitable method in accordance with the needs. Documented procedures at G1 will make reference to work instructions that define how an activity is performed.

Work Instruction

Work Instruction is a document that describes in specific terms the way to carry out an activity or a process at G1. Therefore a work instruction contains detailed descriptions of how to perform and record tasks.


A form is a document used to record data required by the management system. A form becomes a record when data is entered. Forms are developed and maintained at G1, to record the data demonstrating compliance to the requirements of the management system.


A record is a document stating results achieved or providing evidence of activities performed.


A plan is a document defining the practices, resources and sequence of activities required to achieve a particular outcome, product, or service. For example, a quality plan explains how you intend to apply our quality policies, achieve our quality objectives, and meet our quality system requirements.


A specification is a document stating requirements.

External Document

An external document is a document not generated by the Management System but related to it. Examples of external documents: UAE Labour Law, RTA Guidelines, KHDA Guidelines, Dubai Health Authority Handbook, etc.

Document Hierarchy

In a Management System documentation, the following hierarchy (from the highest to the lowest) is established:

  • Manual
  • Procedure
  • Work Instruction

The Form may be assigned to all hierarchy levels. Therefore, the Manual, the Procedure and the Work Instruction may have each their own Form(s). The structure of the documentation used in the management system may be described as a hierarchy. This structure facilitates the distribution, maintenance and understanding of the documentation.

Document Pyramid

According to the Document Pyramid concept, the Management System documents are grouped in four levels (from the highest to the lowest):

  • Policy and/or Manual states what should be done and why
  • Procedures or Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) state who, when and where should be done.
  • Work Instruction states how should be done
  • Forms record what is done
  • Records show the evidence of what was done